AbanteCart Introduction, Advantages, Benefits and Features

AbanteCart is free E-Commerce type of Opensource platform which will help you build and maintain an Online Store for selling your company products. The application is licensed under Open Software License and all the licensing information can be found in the provided license.txt file which you can find in the installation package once you download it.


AbanteCart is built from scratch using the MVC oriented code approach which makes it flexible for extending. This approach also enables many developers and contributors to build their own extensions and software solutions that can be integrated with the application. Additionally you will be able to find the CKEditor WYSiWYG extension and the jQGrid javascript extension which will allow you to edit data lists in a spreadsheet like interface.


The AbanteCart E-Commerce platform require a standard setup for the most common opensource php/mysql based scripts. The application is supported on all our Web Hosting Packages. Here are the actual system requirements.

  • Web Server (Apache, recommended)
  • PHP v5.3+ (tested up to v5.5)
  • MySQL v5.0+
  • Curl or fsock support

Furthermore if you have any existing website and you are experiencing loading speed issues our services will help you solve those as we can boost the loading speed of your website with quite a lot compared to your current hosting provider.


Further reading:

AbanteCart Installation

AbanteCart general configuration


What are the Advantages & Benefits

Key Benefits of using AbanteCart for the Store Owners

AbanteCart is one hell of a piece of software which comes with the following benefits for its users:

  • Easy Extension Installation and management – All the extensions can be installed and managed within the admin interface of AbanteCart. This makes the application easy for extend and maintain by basically every type of user – from basic store owner to a professional developer.
  • Easy upgrading process – Integrated tools for performing one click upgrade right from the control panel section of the platform.
  • Large number of Payment and Shipping modules – The application supports and provides large variety of payment methods and options for providing your customers with all the payment options they need. This is well extended by the supported shipping methods as once a product is purchased the next most important thing for the customer is the shipping method.
  • “Search Anything” – Search tool for finding potentially everything you will need via the admin area of AbanteCart.
  • Data Importing tool – No matter what E-Commerce platform you have used up to this point you can always import the data to AbanteCart thanks to the importing tool the application provides.


Further reading:

AbanteCart Installation

AbanteCart general configuration


Why should you choose AbanteCart?

Currently there are quite a lot of Opensource E-Commerce solutions on the market and probably you wonder why to risk everything with one brand new product. Indeed AbanteCart is new, however it’s design and innovative security approaches used by the application developers makes it one of the most reliable Opensource E-Commerce platforms these days. The key advantages of the platform are:

  • Free Application, Free Support – Since this is completely free Opensource project everyone can download and use the application. Due to the simple fact that AbanteCart is actually supported by community of users, it’s support is completely free and you can request or give help anytime you would like to via the application forums.
  • Easy to start and maintain – The application is meant for everyone who can browse over the web. You do not need any extensive training or any advanced knowledge in managing Online Stores.
  • Fast and Secure – By default AbanteCart comes fully optimized for insane performance and fast loading speed with essentially no environment optimization. If you add the perfectly optimized hosting environment we offer with all our packages you will have the fastest and most secure E-Commerce platform running for the needs of your customers.
  • No Limits – Since AbanteCart is fully Opensource you can build and extend the application as much as you would like to. You are not limited by any license or internal application codes. This makes the application perfect for nearly every user with a codding experience behind his/her back.

Furthermore the amount of Extensions for AbanteCart is growing exponentially to a point where you will be able to find any extension you will need for extending the functionality and the look of your Online Store.


Further reading:

AbanteCart Installation

AbanteCart general configuration


AbanteCart Features

The core features of AbanteCart are quite a lot and we will mention only the most important and distinguished ones.


The catalog or the place where you manage all of your products is the right place where you will find everything you need related to your products base.


  • Unlimited Categories, products, images etc. – AbanteCart does not limit you on the amount of assets you can create and manage.
  • Multi Store support – You can create as much as stores you would like to within a single AbanteCart installation.
  • Downloadable/Digital products – You are provided with the option to sell any digital product you would like to.
  • CMS – In order to manage the displayed blocks and contents of your Online Store you are provided with easy to use CMS feature with custom pages and layouts.
  • Media Library – You will be able to easily manage all media you upload on your server with a simple and easy to use media library.
  • Flexible product attributes and product options – You can create and manage as much as product attributes and options you would like to as AbanteCart does not limit you.
  • Product Review – Every product you add to your website have the option to receive customer reviews.



The customers base of your website is provided with the following features:


  • Guest and Account Checkout options – Your customers will be able to checkout as guests or as regular registered users.
  • Orders Monitoring – You are provided with the option to monitor all of the incoming orders over email.
  • Custom Promotions and combinations – You can create as much as custom promotions and combinations you would like as you are not limited on that matter as well.
  • Customer Attributes – These are custom fields you can add to the registration form of your E-Commerce website.



The supported payment methods which you will have the option to configure are:


  • PayPal
  • CashFlows
  • Authorize.Net (AIM)
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cheque / Money Order
  • Cash On Delivery
  • And many more..



By default you will be provided with the following shipping methods to configure for your Online Store:


  • Flat Rate
  • Free Shipping
  • Pickup From Store
  • Weight Based Shipping
  • And many more...


Localization & SEO

With the integrated Localization and SEO options you will be able to provide your customers with the following features:

  • Unlimited Currencies – You can have as much as currencies you would like to and for each you can configure its own symbol.
  • Multi-Langual – AbanteCart offers you the option to add as many as translations you would like to and for each you can easily configure everything thanks to the integrated admin section.
  • SEO URLs – AbanteCart comes fully SEO friendly optimized and you are provided with the option to enable SEO URLs.
  • Mobile Friendly – The Software comes fully compatible with the latest innovative requirements by Google – Mobile Friendly Storefront.
  • Meta information options – You can configure basically every Meta Information option you would like to for any of your products.



The code of the application follows well known and established over the years security standards and approaches to mitigate potentially every attack on your website.

  • Unique Access tokens – Each customer is authenticated using an additional unique access token each time a customer log in.
  • Password Encryption in the database – Every customer’s password is encrypted into the database where it is saved.
  • Custom Admin URL ­– The store owner is provided with the option to specify a custom URL to the admin are of the AbanteCart.
  • SSL Compatibility – The platform is fully integrated with SSL certificates and if you enable this feature your application will be even more protected. With our AbanteCart Hosting package you are provided with FREE SSL Certificate.

These are only the most important features and you can review the full list of features the application offers at their official Features page.


Start an AbanteCart store in just 3 minutes:

To help you get started with AbanteCart our Technical Support team provides Free AbanteCart Installation.

  • Free AbanteCart Installation by our Support Team
  • Free Domain Name for Life
  • Optimized SSD AbanteCart Hosting
  • Fast and Secure Servers
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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