osCommerce Backup/Restore Tutorial

Let us begin with reviewing the core database backup feature of osCommerce. It will allow you to quickly create or restore backups of your osCommerce database, just before making major changes on your website.

To use the feature, simply log into your website as administrator. Click on the Tools option from the left-side menu and then Database Backup.


The osCommerce Database Backup feature includes:

  • Step 1: Create Database Backup
  • Step 2: Restore Database Backup

Step 1 Create Database Backup

To create a backup, simply click on the Backup button.

You will be asked if you wish to download the new database backup on your local computer, instead of keeping it on the server.


Step 2 Restore Database Backup

To restore a backup made through the Database Backup feature, you need to access the same page again. Select a database backup that you wish to use and then click on the Restore button next to it.


How to create full osCommerce backup


This tutorial will review the process of creating a full backup of your osCommerce website. The process is recommended, before making major changes on your website. This way, if something goes wrong, you will be able to restore your website to a fully operational state from the backup.


To create a full osCommerce backup, you need to:

  • Step 1: Backup osCommerce Files
  • Step 2: Backup osCommerce Database


Step 1 Backup osCommerce Files


The first step is to create a backup of your osCommerce files. The important thing here is to locate the directory, where you have installed osCommerce and then download it on your local computer. If your website is accessible directly via the primary domain of your account, this indicates that the osCommerce files are in the public_html/ directory of your account. However, this may differ if you are using subfolder or subdomain for your website.


Download Files


There are two ways of downloading your files to the server - using an FTP client, following our FTP tutorial, or downloading directly through your cPanel account > File Manager, following our cPanel tutorial.


Step 2 Backup osCommerce Database


To create a backup of your database, you will first have to get it’s name. For that purpose, you can review the osCommerce configuration files, which contain the details for the database set on your website.

When you get the name of your database, you can proceed further with the backup. Access your cPanel account and locate the Databases section. Click on the phpMyAdmin service.

The system will display a list of all databases on your account. Select the one that is set on your osCommerce website to proceed further.

You will be presented with a list of all tables on your database. Click on the Export button at the top menu.

Click on the Go button to download a dump backup copy of your database on your local computer.


How to restore a full osCommerce backup



We now review the process of restoring a full backup of your osCommerce website, which is a good option if something went wrong with it and you wish to restore it from a backup.


To restore a full osCommerce backup, you will have to:

  • Step 1: Restore osCommerce Files
  • Step 2: Restore osCommerce Database
  • Step 3: Link osCommerce Files and Database


Step 1 Restore osCommerce Files


The first step of the process is to restore the files of your osCommerce backup. For this purpose, you need to decide where you wish to restore your website first. If you wish to access it directly via the primary domain of your account, simply upload the files to the public_html/ directory of your account. However, if you wish to use a subdomain or a subfolder, this location will be different.

Also, you will have to make sure that the directory where you upload your files is empty. Make sure that you remove all previous files, in order to avoid issues with the restore of your website.


Upload Files


There are two ways of uploading your files to the server - using an FTP client, following our FTP tutorial, or uploading directly through your cPanel account > File Manager, following our cPanel tutorial.


Step 2 Restore osCommerce Database


The second step is to restore the database of your osCommerce website. For this purpose, you will have to create a new and empty database and a user assigned to it with full privileges.


MySQL Configuration


You can create a new database and a user assigned to it via cPanel. Simply follow our MySQL Wizard tutorial for information on that.

When you are ready, you can proceed with the restore of your osCommerce database. Access your cPanel account and locate the Databases section. Click on the phpMyAdmin service.

Select the newly created database from the list on the left side of the screen.

Click on the Import button to proceed with the upload.

Select the backup dump file of your osCommerce database and then click on the Go button to proceed with the upload.


Step 3 Link osCommerce Files and Database


Up until now, you will have a location on your server, which contains all of the files of your osCommerce backup. You will also have a database that contains the data of your backup copy. It is time to link them together.

For this purpose, you will have to edit the osCommerce configuration files. You will have to edit the details for your new database, the path to your osCommerce installation on the server and the URL it will be using. The database details are new, but the rest of the details will be the same if you are restoring the backup to the same location as before.


About osCommerce


osCommerce is an excellent choice for development of an online store. The application is designed to allow a smooth and easy editing of your website and offer a great deal of important and free features. The osCommerce interface is easy to use and you do not need any development knolwedge.


Start a osCommerce website in just 3 minutes:


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osCommerce offers an excellent documentation and a lot of free add-ons. If you need extra functionality, you will always be able to find an add-on for your needs. Also, osCommerce has a community forum with close to 300,000 active members. If you need assistance with the development of your project, you will always find someone to help you there.


For optimal performance and compatibility we offer specially optimized osCommerce Hosting plans on SSD storage with free 24/7 technical support.

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