How to Install Modules in Boonex Dolphin

In order to have different functionalities available on your Boonex Dolphin Social platform based website you will need to learn how to install and manage the modules which are actually providing most, not to say all of the functionalities you might want to have on your social community website.

Further reading:

Boonex Dolphin Configuration

How to Install Boonex Dolphin Social Network

How to configure the default modules in Boonex Dolphin

Boonex Dolphin Web Hosting

In this tutorial we will not only explain how to install a module via the admin interface of the social platform but we will also provide you with more information on how can you uninstall or recompile the language for a specific module.


To manage the modules in Dolphin, you need to:


  • Step 1: Find and Review the Modules page
  • Step 2: Install a Module


Further reading:

Boonex Dolphin Configuration

How to Install Boonex Dolphin Social Network

How to configure the default modules in Boonex Dolphin

Boonex Dolphin Web Hosting


Step 1 Find and Review the Modules page


In order to access the modules page of your social community you will needto login into the administration area and then navigate to Modules>Add & Manage.

There you will notice few sections which will present you with the following lists of modules:


  • Installed Modules – The modules you have already installed on your social community

The available actions you are allowed to perform with these modules are Uninstall – for uninstalling a module from your website (making it inactive) and also Recompile language(s) for compiling the language pack used by the module if there are some misspelled links for example.


  • Not Installed Modules – A list with all of the modules currently uploaded to your social platform, however still inactive or waiting for installation

The available actions here are Install for installing the selected module(s) and also Delete for permanently deleting a module from your social community which will prevent the module from being installed in future.

  • Available Updates – An interface which will provide you with any available updates for the modules you are currently using

The available options here are again Install for installing the updates and Delete for deleting updates.


  • Upload – The last and maybe most useful interface is the upload interface. It will provide you with the option to upload modules’ installation packages to your social community so you can install them once uploaded. Note that for this feature to work you will need to configure the FTP Access part of this interface with valid settings for the FTP service for your account


Further reading:

Boonex Dolphin Configuration

How to Install Boonex Dolphin Social Network

How to configure the default modules in Boonex Dolphin

Boonex Dolphin Web Hosting


Step 2 Install a Module


Now that you know what features that page offers it is time to actually install a module. You might already be aware of how this should be achieved by reading the previous lines of this tutorial but just in case you are not bellow we will describe the process.

Assuming that your module is properly uploaded from the Upload interface it will appear in the Not Installed Modules interface. There by selecting the checkbox before the module’s name and then pressing the Install button your module will be successfully installed.

Once the module installation process finishes the page will be automatically refreshed and you will notice the result from the installation operation at the top of the page

This is how a module should be installed using the administration module management interfaces. Congratulation! You can now install modules for your Dolphin social community!


Further reading:

Boonex Dolphin Configuration

How to Install Boonex Dolphin Social Network

How to configure the default modules in Boonex Dolphin


About Boonex Dolphin


Social communities these days are key part from our daily activities. Let’s take for example Facebook. Current the number of user accounts in that social network are more than 1.3 billion and 48% of these accounts are checked every day. That is how the most famous Social network looks like.

Now, imagine that you can have your own Social network where you can apply your own rules and of course entirely custom design based on your needs and personal likes in just few minutes and clicks. This is entirely possible now with the use of the Boonex Dolphin Social Networking platform.

Boonex Dolphin is social platform type of web application allowing you to create easily a Social Community type of website. No matter if you would like to have a dating website or just a place where you can meet your friends using this platform will allow you to do so in quite an elegant way.

In fact the power of the platform comes from the user friendly interface and the ability to easily change the look and the functionality of your Social Community using modules and templates either from the Boonex Marketplace or found over the web.

Boonex Dolphin is supported on every single package we offer and our Technical Support Department will assist you with every issue you might experience with the platform.

Our web hosting services are completely automated with 24/7 customer support provided through our client management portal. So you need not worry about anything. If you have any challenges, all you need to do is submit a support ticket in our client area. We guarantee that you will get a response and a competent support staff will be there to help.

Get flexible web hosting plans that fits every budget, Todhost is one of Nigeria's most reliable web hosting companies offering quality web hosting services and supporting small, medium scale and large businesses in Nigeria and beyond. Our focus is on quality service delivery and we provide 24/7 customer help via telephone and client support portal. We also have over 1000 articles in knowledgebase tutorials to guide you on every key area of using our web hosting services. Our knowledgebase tutorials cover cpanel articles, email articles, domain tutorials and web design tools amongst others. In addition, we have a blog that highlights the latest happenings in the industry and provide solutions to numerous and emerging problems.
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