Magento Installation Tutorial

This tutorial will cover the following:

  • How to Install Magento Manually

  • How to Install Magento 1.x via Softaculous

  • How to Install Sample data in Magento


Further reading:

How to login to Magento admin backend

Magento Store configuration

Magento Web Hosting

Magento Website Optimization Tips

Magento Website Security Tutorial


How to Manually Install Magento 1.x

If your hosting provider does not have any Magento auto installers such as Softaculous or QQuickInstall, you will need to manually install Magento on your hosting account. Softaculous, Fantastico and QuickInstall are application installers available in the cPanel control panel on all Magento Hosting plans, which allows you to browse, review and install more than 150 open-source applications in just a few clicks.

To complete the manual Magento Installation, you need to:

Step 1: Download the Installation Package
Step 2: Upload the Installation Files
Step 3: Follow the Installation Wizard
Step 4: Configure the Administrative User


Download the Installation Package

To manually install Magento under your hosting account you will need to download it first from the official Magento website. You can use this direct link to the Magento download page.

Please note that you should be a registered user on the Magento website in order to download the installation archive. After you have an active account on the Magento website, please select the desired format of the installation archive and click on the Download button.


Upload the Installation Files

After you have downloaded the installation archive, please unzip it on your local computer and start your favorite FTP program.
Upload Files

There are two ways of uploading your files to the server - using an FTP client, following our FTP tutorial, or uploading directly through your cPanel account > File Manager, following our cPanel tutorial.

If you would like to have your store accessible directly via your domain name (ex: then you should upload the Magento files under the public_html directory. In case you would like to have your Magento store accessible via any subdirectory (ex:, please create the desired directory under your public_html and upload the Magento files in it.

When you have your Magento installation files placed in your desired account folder, please create a database via your web hosting account control panel.

For more information on how to create a MySQL database and username, please check our cPanel tutorial on How to create MySQL Database.


Follow the Installation Wizard

Next, you should access the address of your store via your browser (ex: This will load the first page of the installation process to accept the Magento terms and conditions. Click on the "I agree to the above terms and conditions." tick box and continue with the install.

On the next page you should configure the basic localization settings for your store. These options can be changed later via your Magento Admin panel. Click on the Continue button when you are ready with your settings.

On the next page you should input your database name, username and password. If you are not sure what is your database host, you should contact your hosting provider for the exact settings or check your control panel. If you a Todhost customer, please leave this setting to localhost.

You can leave the rest of the settings on this page unchanged or configure them depending on your preferences. Please do not activate the Use Secure URLs (SSL) option if you do not have purchased and installed an SSL certificate for your domain.


Installing your Magento application for the https:// protocol, without having a valid SSL certificate, might affect your website accessibility or result in security warnings. If you need a hosting solution with SSL certificate to secure your store, you may review our Magento Hosting plans.

Click on the Continue button when you are ready with your preferences.


Configure the Administrative User

On the next page you will need to input your Magento Admin names, email address and username and password. You can leave the Encryption Key field empty, it will be generated automatically and you will not need it to login the Magento Admin panel.

This finalize the installation and you will be directed to the last page of the setup via which you can access both the frontend and the backend of your new Magento E-Commerce website.


How to Install Magento 1.x via Softaculous or QuickInstall

The easiest way to install Magento is via the Softaculous/QuickInstaller auto-installer. Softaculous/QuickInstaller are application installers available in the cPanel control panel on all Magento Hosting plans, which allows you to browser, review and install more than 150 open-source applications in just a few clicks. This is a great tool which not only provides an easy-to-use user interface but also can save you a lot of time by automating most of the steps required for a successful Magento installation.

To complete the Magento Installation, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Locate the Softaculous/QuickInstaller Auto-Installer in cPanel
Step 2: Configure Magento Installation Settings
Step 3: Complete Magento Installation Process

Locate the Softaculous/QuickInstaller Auto-Installer in cPanel

To access your Softaculous/QuickInstaller auto-installer simply login in your cPanel navigate to the Software/Services section and click on the Softaculous or QuickInstallicon.

On the next page you will be referred to the OpenSource catalog. From there you should navigate to the E-Commerce section from the menu on the left and click on Magento.

From the Magento page you can Install, review the Magento features, read reviews and ratings or check the demo. In this tutorial we will proceed with the installation process by clicking on the Install button.


Configure Magento Installation Settings

First, you can choose the desired Magento version, we recommend to install the latest version available but if you have a template or module that requires a previous Magento version you can always select the previous release via the drop down menu.

Secondly, you need to specify the protocol. In case you do not have a SSL certificate purchased and installed yet, you should leave this option to http://.


Installing your Magento application for the https:// protocol, without having a valid SSL certificate, might affect your website accessibility or result in security warnings. If you need a hosting solution with SSL certificate to secure your store, you may review our Magento Hosting plans.

The next option allows you to choose the domain name for which your Magento will be installed. In case you have any addon domain or a subdomain on which you would like to have your store configured, please select it via the drop down menu.

The last option you need to configure here is the name of the directory under which you would like to have Magento installed. If you would like to have your store accessible directly via your domain name (ex: then you should leave this box empty. In case you would like to have your Magento store accessible via any subdirectory (ex:, please fill in your directory name.


Complete Magento Installation Process

At the bottom of the page you need to configure your Magento Administrative username and password. This will be the account name and password required to login the Magento Admin Dashboard panel via which you can configure your store later. Please fill in your preferences and click the Install button.

After clicking Install, a progress bar which appear to help you track the installation process. In a few seconds your Magento store installation should be completed and you will be provided with links to both your Magento Store and Magento admin dashboard.


How to Install Magento 1.x with Sample Data

Magento Sample Data allows you to setup your Magento E-Commerce website with some demo products, images and data to populate the store. This can help you to learn how to use the Magento store by exploring the demo products configuration settings or to simply setup a demo store and test different templates or modules.


Do not install Magento Sample Data into your production Magento Store. Sample data can be installed only on a new Magento installation.

To complete the Magento Installation, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Download Magento Sample Data
Step 2: Import Magento Sample Data
Step 3: Upload Sample Media Content


Download Magento Sample Data

The Magento sample data installation is a relatively straight forward process which we will follow in this tutorial. To obtain the demo data, please refer to the Magento download page. From the Sample Data section, select the desired format of the sample data archive and click on the Download button. Be advised that you should be a registered member in order to download the archive from the Magento website. The registration process is free and straight forward.

When you have the Magento sample data downloaded on your local computer you should unzip it and locate the .sql file (ex: magento_sample_data_for_1.6.1.0.sql).


Import Magento Sample Data

The most important step you should be aware of is that the Magento sample data should be imported into a new, empty database prior the Magento installation. To achieve this, log into your hosting account control panel and create a new database and username. If you are a Todhost customer you can create a database via your cPanel.

When you have your database created, please refer to your database management tool such as phpMyAdmin. This can be done via your cPanel ? phpMyAdmin icon.

This will direct you to your phpMyAdmin interface. Locate your newly created database on the left and click on it.

When you have your database selected you should use the Import option to import the sql file of the Magento Sample data you have downloaded.


Import Magento Sample Data

When you are ready, click the GO button on the bottom of your page. This will import the sample data and you are ready to proceed with the actual Magento installation.



During the manual installation you have to use the same database into which you have imported the sample data in the previous step.


When you complete the Magento manual installation you should upload the media content files from the archive you have downloaded. The files must be uploaded into your Magento installation folder on your hosting account. The media files are located under the 'media' directory of the Magento Sample data archive you have downloaded. You can upload these files using your favorite FTP client by following our FTP Tutorial

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