Domain Management From the Todhost Client Area

We have received tickets about managing domains from within the Todhost client area.. This article will discuss the domain management features available for clients from within the Todhost client area and we hope to address all or most of the questions we have received in this respect.

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What is DNS Server?

To be able to manage our domains from the Todhost client area, your domain name must be registered with Todhost. You will also need to login to the client portal of Todhost. To login to the client area, you need to be authenticated by entering your signup email and password. Please note that the password referred to here is not the same as that sent to you in the "New Account Information" or welcome email. Once you are authenticated, you are now set to use the client area to manage your domain..

To begin managing domains, click on domains. A list of all the domains you have registered will be displayed including your expired domains. Select the domain you want to manage and click on the gear icon. If the domain is inactive, you will not be able to manage it. You can only manage domains that are active.

There are cases where an active domain appears to be inactive in your client area and you are unable to manage it. This occurs when a domain was manually renewed.. In this case, you will need to contact customer support to get the domain set to an active state.

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Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

What is DNS Server?

Information Dislayed About Your Domain in Client Area.

An overview of the domain will display the following

  • Domain name: This is the name of your domain.. Something lie
  • The registration date: This reflects the date the domain was registered. If a domain had epired and had become available agin before yyou registered it, the registration date will refect the date of the latest registration.
  • The net due date: This is the date for which your net renewal is epected. It does not necessarily mean the date of expiry but actually reflects the date for which you are required to pa for the domain renewal otherwise the invoice will be considered overdue and may attract extra charges..
  • The status of the domain: The domain can be active, expired or inactive.
  • The first payment amount: This is the amount you aid during your first registration. The renewal fee could have changed due to pricing policy changes, an increase or reduction in price and other factors.
  • The recurring amount: This is the amount you are expected to ay subsequently for renewal.
  • Your payment method: How you pay for the domain.. Thhis could be ban deposit or a credit card or debit card method.

At the bottom of the overview page, you will find four related links coming after the question: What would you like to do today? These options are provided:

  1. Change the nameservers your domain points to
  2. Update the WHOIS contact information for your domain
  3. Change the registrar lock status for your domain
  4. Renew Your Domain

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Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

What is DNS Server?

Change Nameservers

To change your nameservers, clic on the link "change the nameservers your domain point to" and ou will navigate to a page that allows you to edit your nameservers.. You will have to check the add custom nameservers. Once you are done, save your changes.. You can always return to the Todhost default nameservers at anytime you wish by following the same process and checing the default nameservers. Always save your changes once you are done.

2. Update the WHOIS contact information

To update your whois information, simply click the link which says "Update the WHOIS contact information for your domain" Here you will have the option to update the ublic date about your domain ownership and registration. You can edit the registrant contact details, the technical contact details, admin contact and the billing contact. You will have to choose to use different contacts or use the same contact.

3. Change the registrar lock status

The registrar lock pprevents unauthorized changes from being done to your domain. You are usually expected to disable registrar lock when you want to transfer a domain. The change the registrar lock status, click on the "change registrar lock status for your domain" and disable or enable the registrar loc.

4. Renew Domain

Click on Renew Your Domain and you will see the domain renewal status, days to expiry, cost of renewal and a link to renew. By the cost of the domain, you will find a drop down wich gives you the option to change the number of renwal years. Once that is set, click order now to proceed.

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Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

What is DNS Server?

Domain Auto-Renewal

You can also set yor domain name to auto-renew when due. To do this, from the left menu within your domain management ppage click "auto-renew" and enable ordisable the feature.

DNS Host Record Management

External DNS Hosting can help speed up your website and improve availability with increased redundancy. To manage this, click on the addon link from the left menu within the domain management area. This addon may attract a fee. Once it is pprocessed, you can manage this feature from your client area.

Private Nameservers

You can have your domain work with your private nameserver.. To do this, you will first need to register a NameServer Name.. Then add the IP address of the server to which the domain will be pointing.

Modify a NameServer IP

You can do this from the same window where nameserver IP is modified.

Delete a NameServer

You can delete a nameserver from tis window also.. Simply clic the delete icon to do that.

DNS Management

Point your domain to a web site by pointing to an IP Address, or forward to another site, or point to a temporary page (known as Parking), and more. These records are also known as sub-domains. Here, you can create. From this window, you can.


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Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

What is DNS Server?

When to Use Private Nameservers

Private nameservers are simply custom DNS and HOST records that point to your DNS Cluster IPs. In this case, we are talking of our DNS Cluster IPs. It won't be different from the set of servers nor will you use IP addresses that are different from those provided to you in your "New Account Information" email. Private nameservers allow you to give your clients a set of nameservers that are specific to your company instead of running on the generic or default nameservers.

Our domain registration comes with the following free offers:

URL Forwarding (no-ads)

Redirect your domain visitors to any URL or website of your choice. You can cloak the URL to hide the destination

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Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

What is DNS Server?

Reliable DNS servers

Modify record types like A address, MX, MXE, CNAME and TXT in real time and at no extra cost.

Email Forwarding (no-ads)

Create and redirect @yourdomain.tld email addresses to other email accounts of your choice.

Dynamic DNS

Takes care of a dynamically changing IP address and keeps your site running without downtime.

Security Features
Modification Rights

Retain full control of the domain while granting access just to certain domain editing features to your customers or co-workers.

WhoisGuard Privacy Protect

Keeps your contact details safe by replacing it with our contact information on WHOIS.

Registrar Lock

Stops unauthorized domain transfers to some other registrar. You can enable/disable this option anytime you want.

Security Notifications

Configure your account to send email notices when any change is made to your domain settings.
How to Login to the Todhost Client Area

To login to the Todhost client area, you will first need to click on the Client Area link at the top right of the Todhost website.. You will be prompted to enter your email and password. The email referred to in this case is not the email of the website you are hosting with us.. It is the email you used to create an account with us. That is the email that receives ouur communications.

Next, you will enter the password you also entered when you created your Todhost account.. You can always rest the password in case you have forgotten it and want to do a reset. You can also ask customer suport to help you reset your password by emailing Support will however only deliver such sensitive data only to your email.

Onceyou are successfully authenticated, you should be in the client area.

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Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

What is DNS Server?

What else can you do in the client area?

Manage hosting services - you can login directly into your cPanel control panel from your client area. This is possible under the services section and using the quick icons.
Register a new domain - from the left menu, you can register a new domain. This can also be done from the Todhost homepage.
Transfer in a domain - you can move a domain to us with ease using this lin..
Edit your personal details - you can edit your personal information including your preferred email address, telephone number, contact address and city of residence.
Check Invoices - you can view all invoices, the status of the invoices whether they have been paid or not and when they were paid if they show as paid and if they have not been paid, when they will be due for payment.
Mass payment - you can mae payment for all your invoices at a time using the mass payment tool.
My products and services - this will show you all the web hosting services you have ordered with Todhost..
Ticets - you can send emails to customer support and keep record of each ticet until all issues raised are resolved.
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