Basic Documentation on Joomla Website Administration

There had been increasing need to help customers with the administration of their website. This had been our philosophy and helps us with managing our work load. Understanding how to manage your website will mean that you can add articles to your website, edit the headings of your slideshows and edit the pictures in your slideshows. add and remove modules and be able to manage your website content with little effort. If you can understand how to manage your website, you will be able to fix lots of issues and correct typographical errors. So, let's get on with how this can be done for a Joomla website.

You will also want to read:

A Comprehensive Guide to Joomla Article Creation and Editin

Basic Virtuemart Configuration Tutorial

Fixing Problems: Notices, Warnings and Errors on Your Joomla Website

Good Optimization Will Boost The Speed of Your Joomla Website

How Secure is Your Joomla Website

1. The first thing will be for you to login to the backend of your Joomla website. The section of the website available for visitors and users to access is called the frontend and the section where content is managed and which require access permission is called backend.

To log in to the backend of your Joomla website, you will simply need to add /administrator to your domain name. If you got it right, you will be prompted to a page requiring a username and password. The username and password should have been set at the time you were installing your Joomla website. If you did not setup the website, which is most likely the case, you can request the login credentials from your webmaster.

2. Add and edit articles in your Joomla website
You can add content to your Joomla website simply by clicking the Add article button once you are logged in to the administrator backend. The link can also be found under the content menu if you are running Joomla 3.x The easiest way to do this in Joomla 3.x is to use the quick navigation on your main admin screen. Click on the Add New Article in order to proceed with the addition of content(articles) to your joomla website.

On the next page, you must give your article a title and enter its actual content using the Joomla WYSIWYG editor. Then, if you want to show this article on your front page, set the Featured option to Yes, from the right set of options. Once you finish adding your content, simply click on the Save button in the top part of the page and it will be published on your site.

Note, that Joomla 3.x allows you to chose which and how many articles you can show on your front page. If you're used to previous Joomla versions, you can edit the Home menu to display all Featured articles.

Note: It is not advisable to copy a MicrosoftWord document and paste directly into your joomla page. You will need to paste the MicrsoftWord document first into Notepad and then copy from notepad into your joomla website.

Also read:

How to Copy a Joomla Module and Install on Another Website

How to Fix The Joomla White Screen of Death

How to Revert Back to a Previous Version of Joomla

How to Speed Up Your Joomla Website

How to manually update a Joomla website

3.Manage modules
You will observe that apart from the articles, there are certain positions on your website which adds beauty to it but those content are not within your article manager. They are module positions. Under the "manage" tab, you will find the module manager. Click on it and use the module title to locate the module you wish to edit.

As a rule, whenever you want to edit a module, first of all, copy the content from the code area or edit directly using the code button. Simply mouse over the buttons to identify which one will display the code. Never mind if you make a mistake or it takes long. Just don't save anything until you are sure you have done it right.

Joomla 1.5 and PHP 5.4+ Compatibility Issues

Several issues regarding the security of Joomla1.5 websites have been raised. The central had been its compatibility with PHP 5.4+. We shall look at how to address these vulnerabilities in the light of emerging challenges faced by lots of website owners. Joomla 1.5 was a stable version with a very longterm support

Today, to run your joomla 1.5 website safely, you will need additional layers of security. It is important however to state that the safest version of Joomla is always the latest stable version, currently Joomla 2.5.17.

We will make few recommendations to deal with security issues concerning Joomla 1.5 running on PHP 5.4+ servers.

Also read:

How to move a Joomla website from localhost to a live server and secure it

How to set an article in a Joomla website to publish on a later date

Joomla Extensions Manager Tutorial

Joomla Manual Installation Tutorial


Solution #1: Apply the the 1.5 patch

There has only been one significant security hole found in Joomla 1.5 and a patch has been provided. You can grab an easy-to-install copy of the patch by clicking here.

Solution #2: Know the risks

It's worth knowing the risk of running unsupported softwares to you can take some pro-active actions to protect yourself from the risks. Understanding the risks of staying on a platform such as Joomla 1.5 is important.

Solution #3: Know about Joomla versions

Know the upgrade options available so you can make a better choice to suit your needs.

Solution #4: Upgrade yourself

There are also some extensions that can help you. When doing site migrations, we normally rely on one of these two:


Also read:

Joomla Menu Manager Tutorial

Joomla User Manager Tutorial

My Joomla Website Displays a Blank Page, What Should I do


Why The Progressive Caching in Joomla Should Be Avoided

Installing Joomla Using 1-Click Install like Softaculous and Quick Install

We will show you how to use Softaculous to install a Joomla 2.5 application to your site. The installation process is pretty straightforward and it will take only a few minutes. You don't need any advanced skills to perform it and at the end you will have a fully functional Joomla application on your hosting account.

First , you need to access your cPanel account and find the Softaculous icon under the "Software Services" section. It should be located in the lower part of your cPanel page, right under the "Domains" section.

Click on the Softaculous icon and then you will be redirected to the auto installer page. On the left side of the screen is the categories menu. The next step is to find the "Portal/CMS" category and click on it to expand it. You will see a lit of CMS apps that you can install. Click on the Joomla 2.5 link, so that Softaculous will open the Joomla 2.5 installation page. It is important to notice that there is another link for Joomla . You need to click on the Joomla 2.5 text button or you will install an older version of the application.

On the next page, you will find out more information about the Joomla application and the different features that it offers. To proceed to the installation screen click on the blue "Install" button.

At this stage, you should configure the new Joomla 2.5 application. Most of the fields are automatically filled in by the installer and you don't need to change them. However, we advise you to change the text in the following fields:

Site Name: This is the name of your website.

Site Description: Here you can provide a short description of your website.

Admin Username: By default this field is set to "admin". You can change it and we strongly advise you to do it, so that an attacker will not be able to guess your administrative username.

Admin Password: The administrative password for your website is a randomly generated one. If you want to change it simply type the new password in the field.

Admin Email: In this field you should type your email address. It is needed, so that the application can send you a new password in case you can't login.

Real Name: Here you can type your real name if you want to.

Please note that by default Softaculous will install the Joomla app in the root folder of your account. If you want to install the CMS in another sub-folder simply type it in the field.

Finally, scroll down to the end of the page and click on the "Install" button:

That's it! Your Joomla 2.5 application is installed and ready to use. The installer will redirect you to a new page where you will see the details for the completed installation. You can now login and manage your Joomla2.5 website.

4. Add image to your Joomla website

There are times you will want to add an image to your article or module. You may also want to edit an existing image. We will look at those cases and how to add your image.

Adding Image to Your Article: There are two ways to add image to your Joomla article, the first and prefered is to click on the images and links tab withing the article you are either ceating or editing. If you are editing an existing article, you simply click on the article or check the box by it and click on the edit button at the top. Once you click on the images and links button, you can locate your image from your local computer, upload it to your desired directory and use or you simply use an uploaded image. Just click on the "select" tab to get all that done.

The other way to add image to your article is to click on the image tab just below the text area. This works for articles and modules also. You will then locate an uploaded image or upload a new one and use for your article or module.

4. Add a menu item to your website
Usually, you will most likely want to add an item to your main menu. The main menu will most likely be located at the top. Sometime, it could be found by the sidebar. To add a menu to your main menu, click on the menu tab at the top. You will find the main menu link, click on that. Please check to be sure the menu corresponds with that you want to edit.

To add anew menu, click on the "New" tab, proceed to link an article to the menu. There could be other ways to link a menu including linking to a component or module. You need to be knowledgeable on this to do it. Save your work when you are done. Remember that in all of the cases we have eamined, you will have to save your editing/work once you are done.

5. Allow multiple managers
This item has security implication and can hurt your website if you do something you are not quite sure. For instance, if you give a manager permission to someone erroneously without checking to be sure of the role the user should be playing. Note that permissions determine what someone can do or not do including adding an article, deleting an article and so on.

If there be anything else you will want to do, you can look up from the full Joomla tutorials or you contact an experienced Joomla developer.

How to add alignment and paddings around images in Joomla

This will help you to organize the appearance of photos in your posts. For aesthetic purposes, you will generally need some space between the images and the surrounding text, and align the image to the left or right.

If you simply add image in Joomla it may look like this:
Default view after you will insert image without float and paddings

Appearance wise, it’s a judgment call as to how much padding you want to place around your image relative to the text. In most cases I suggest to use at least 10px right padding or margin. If you don’t use any other editor – from the Toolbar choose Tools and enable Source code, then add style.

Note: The Source code mode allows you to view all of the HTML code that makes up an article.
Add style with float and paddings

Add style with float and paddings

Note: Both align or float – attribute controls the horizontal alignment of the image with respect to the page. But the align attribute of <img> is not supported in HTML5. That’s why we suggest you use the float style instead to maintain compatibility. CSS syntax: <img style=”float:left”>

Use WYSIWYG Editor to facilitate adding images

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editors provide an editing view which resembles how the page will be shown in a web browser. A more interesting fact than this is that you may not be required to gain any HTML knowledge, because it includes a toolbar similar to the well-known MS Office and Open Office that provides a large number of features to allow you to easily add styles for images and edit content. When editing a text via an editor the appearance will be quite similar to the final resulting text.

There are several Editor Extensions to choose from including TinyMCE (default), JCE or JCK Editor – they are available also for Joomla 3.x:

Note: Before uploading images, make sure they are resized to the proper dimensions for use on your web page. It’s not a good idea to upload a big image and resize it in the editor screen, as loading the image file will considerably slow down the web page’s display in the browser.

How to change the logo on my Joomla website

Logo replacement for every website is a key area in customizing the website especially whem dealing with template-based sites like Joomla. This tutorial will show you how to replace your logo in a Joola website.

First you will need to locate the position of your logo insite your Joomla files. This will by default be located at /templates/images

You may first right-click on the image and check image location to be precise about the position of your Joomla website image.

Once you identify the location of your logo, simply create an new one and upload to that location overwriting the existing file.

Note: It is suggested that your new logo should be of the same dimension with the old one so that some sections are not missing due to css specifications. Alternatively, you can edit the template css files to adjust the logo size to your new one.

How to check available updates in Joomla

There are basically two ways to check if updates are available in Joomla. Checking updates and implementing same is necesary because failure to update your Joomla website could break your website and cause serious errors.

To check updates that should be implemented on your Joomla website, you should be logged in to the Joomla backend.

One way to check for Joomla updates is to go to site>control panel
You will find the updates icon which will notify you if there are updates available and the number of updates available.


1. Login to Joomla backend

2, Under extensions, click extensions manager

3. Click update to view available updates.

You will then see a list of updates to be made on your Joomla website and you can proceed to implement them.

How to control the meta title on my Joomla homepage

Joomla site title is fundamental for site engine and your website unique identity.

In this tutorial, we'll show you how to control the metadata on your Joomla homepage.

The following steps will guide you to control your website title.

1. Login to your Joomla backend.

2. Find the Joomla menu with the gold star. This indicates that this menu contains the link to your homepage and this will usually be located within the "main menu"

3. Open the menu link with the gold star and click on "Page Display Options"

Put your homepage title into the "Browser Page Title" field.
Set "Show Page Heading" to No.
If you want to control the rest of the meta description and keywords for the homepage, click "Metadata Options".
Save the menu link.

4. Go to Site > Global Configuration.
Make sure the Site Name is entered correctly.

Change the "Include Site Name in Page Titles" to "No"

The settings we've shown you in this tutorial will produce a homepage title in this format: "Browser Page Title".

If you change the "Include Site Name Titles to "Yes", the setting will produce a homepage title in this format: "Browser Page Title - Site Name"

How to disable login button in Joomla template

By default, the Login link (button) is visible at the top of most Joomla templates or themes. If you don’t want the Login link to be displayed, you can easily disable/hide it using two alternative methods.

In some templates like News 2 you can find [LOG IN] button

Recommended method to disable LOG IN link

In emplate configuration – choose FEATURE tab
Empty whole URL from “Login URL” field
Remember to Save changes. Now Login button should disappear completely.

Note: Even if you hide the Login link, you can still log in to your site by going to your Login page using link in Menu or publishing login module on selected position.

How to duplicate a joomla template

Joomla template modification is an issue with Joomla 2.5 and higher versions. With later versions of Joomla, you simply need to copy the template and rename it. In this tutorial, we look at how to duplicate a Joomla template.

The best solution for template duplication is to create a copy of the template and modify the copy instead. This will preserve your changes when you update Joomla.

Follow these steps to achieve this:

Go to Extensions > Template Manager.

Click on Templates in the side menu. Click on the template you'd like copied (e.g. Protostar)

Click on the Copy Template button.

Type your New Template Name. Please use only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. Don't use any spaces.

Click Copy Template.

After successfully copying the template, click Close.

Click on Styles in the side menu. Either make the template the default or assign it to certain module positions.

Now you can modify the template and not worry about losing your changes on a Joomla update.

How to disable the mail function in Joomla

Joomla is an excellent Content Management System and has been proved to be very secure when running on the latest version. One problem with Joomla however is that it can be exploited through any plugin that is out of date or not so well coded. This post will deal with how to deal with the issue of email sending from a Joomla website.
There are several ways this occurs. The most common are:

1. through the Registration Forms
2. through the Contact Forms.

When these causes problems, a safe way is to completely disable the mail sending function and thereby disabling the automated emailing functionality in Joomla. You can still be able to send emails through your web hosting platform.

In software products, having features is generally a good thing. However, if a feature is causing more harm than good, then it’s probably a good idea to completely disable it.
Securing your Joomla website and keeping its core and all your extensions up-to-date may prevent this problem and is generally regarded to be safest way to run Joomla. But, what if you don’t have the experience to do that? Or what if you can’t afford to hire someone to do it for you?

In some cases, your website may have been designed by someone else using custom-built Joomla installations along with proprietary extensions, modules and plugins. This means that fixing some issues will require subscription to gain accesss to the custom codes. What if you are unable to identify the sources of the installations, it simply means you will have issues with running updates.

The best way out is to adequately secure your site after it is completed so that you will require minimal effort to update and keep it secure.
Back to our issue of addressinging the mailing problem which in most cases leads to spamming and eventual suspension by web hosts. Yes, it leads to suspensions. Once your installation begin to send spam and our web host detects it, the usual response is to suspend the site until there is a fix. So, what you should do to prevent your Joomla site from sending out spam emails?

Well, you have 2 options:

1. Keeping your website and extensions up-to-date and ensuring that your website is not hacked.

2. Disabling Joomla’s mail functionality.

Assuming you can’t go with option #1 for one reason or another, how can you completely disable Joomla’s mail functionality.

Disabling the mail sending function is quite simple. Here’s how to do this:

Open the phpmailer.php file located under the libraries/phpmailer folder under your Joomla directory.
Go to the phpmailer.php file and look for the following line of code (should be line 585):

public function Send() {

Add the following line just below it:

return true;

Save the file.
That should fix the issue!

Once you do the above, then your Joomla website won’t be able to send any mails. That will mean that you cannot receive mails through your contact form also. So, you should do this modifications if you don’t expect any legitimate mail to be sent from your Joomla website.
Also keep in mind that you’ll be changing a core file, which means that a future Joomla update may overwrite your changes (so, you’ll need to do these changes again).
If your website is sending out spam and you need help shutting down the Joomla mailing feature, then try implementing the above. It should work, but if, for any reason, it doesn’t work, or if you need help implementing it, then please contact your developer.

How to override/translate language phrases without changing a language file

You can translate selected phrases using the overrides feature in Joomla > Language Manager.

Joomla! Language Overrides Manager

Click on the Overrides tab
On the Right side you will see a language selection box, assuming you have more then one language. Choose your language for Site, not administrator.
On top right click on “New”
Now on the left you will see some empty boxes which you can add manually.
In the Language Constant input field insert “K2_READ_MORE” without quotes – the language file (for example en-GB.com_k2.ini) constant of the string you want to override. Each language output text on your site is identified by a specific language constant which you have to use for creating an override of the text.

Read more in language file

Read more in language file
In the Text field – enter the text which you want to be displayed instead of the overridden one.
Click on Save and close to save changes.

How to Identify the Joomla Versiion you are Running

In very simple steps, you can identify the version of Joomla content management system running on your system.

1. Login to your joomla backend with the url:

2. Enter the right username and password.

3. Once logged in the backend, check at the bottom of the page, just above the copyright information, you will find the version of Joomla you are running, something like Joomla 2.5.19

How to permanently delete an article in Joomla

Joomla allows you to delete articles, you can re-publish deleted aticles if you find that you made a mistake by deleting it in the first place. Deleting an article sends it to the trash and you can re-publish it from the thrash manager.

This article shows you how you can delete an article from the thrash can which is to permanently delete an article in Joomla. Once an article is deleted from the trash can, it can no longer be recovered.

Step #1. Move articles to trash
Go to Content > Articles.
Select the articles you want to delete.
Click Trash button.

Step #2. Empty Trash
Click Search tools in articles manager.
click Select status and choose "Trashed".
Select the articles you want to delete permanently.
Click Empty trash button.

How to Preview a Joomla Template

Most often webmasters who are new to Joomla have issues with previewing a template and are unable to locate module positions.

Joomla template preview will help you locate the module positions on your template and simplify the process and time taken to identify and edit your modules and add new module positions.

In Joomla 2.5 and other more recent versions of Joomla, you will need to follow these steps to preview your Joomla template:
1. Login to your website backend.
2. Under extensions, click Template Manager from the drop down.
3. You will find template syles and templates
4. Click ‘templates’ to view your templates.
5. Click the preview link to preview your template.

What if your template preview link is not enabled withing the templates section?

You will follow these steps to activate template preview link:
1. Click on the options botton within the top right menu.
2. A pop-up will give you option to enable “preview template positions’.
3. 3. Check the “enable” box and save.
Now you can return to preview your template.

Congratulations, you now know how to preview a template in Joomla

How to preview a joomla template from frontend

Template preview is very important to identify module positions and to know where to place new modules or adjust existing module positions.

Modules actually beautify your websites and the homepage of most Joomla websites are organized around defined module positions.

To preview a module for a particular page or any page at all in Joomla, simply add "?tp=1" at the end of the url. No spaces, no slash(/) and no suffix required.

Simply add ?tp=1

For example, the Todhost website, is built with Joomla. Now, to preview the module position for the web hosting page, simply add "?tp=1" at the end of the url like this: The url ordinarily wiihout template preview ends like this:

That will enable you to preview the template without logging to the backend and previewing from template manager.

Note: For this preview method to work, template preview will first have to be enabled in the backend withing the template manager section.

How to remove comments on Joomla K2 items

There are two methods with which you can remove comments from K2 items; the first based on K2’s default options and the second by using CSS; the latter technique also allows you to have full control what elements are shown and how they look, because you can change their styling if required.

Method 1: Using K2 settings

Note: If you don’t need comments at all in K2 items use K2 Parametersu and change settings.
If you want to disable comments in whole website use Parameters-comments

If you want to disable comments in whole website use K2 Parameters

But if you want to hide comments only for selected item(s), you need to open the article (K2 item) in edit mode first. Settings options will appear on the right side of the page.
Choose "Item view options" to hide comments

Choose “Item view options” to hide comments

Follow these instructions:

Click the Item view options tab; the bottom tab in the right side options menu.
Find the Comments option and change it from ‘Inherit from category’ to ‘hide’.

Hiding comments in k2 item

You can also change the same option in the Item view options in category listings tab to hide if you are using this category anywhere on website.
Save changes using Save & Close button on the top.
Repeat this step for any of the other items if needed.

Method 2: Using CSS

First make sure that you’ve added this article (K2 item) to the Menu as a item.
To this menu item add a new class, for example ” hideme” in Page Class field. Remember to add one space before the class name!

Add new Page Class

Add the new style code; use the override.css file or make the changes in the template’s Custom CSS field to add :

.hideme #itemCommentsAnchor,
.hideme .itemCommentsLink
{ display: none;visibility:hidden;}

Now comments options should be hidden from users. Using this same method you can change or hide other elements. All you have to know is the right class for those elements – use Firebug to check them.

Global Configuration Tutorial

Joomla has a Global Configuration area which allows you to input important data like site title and SEO settings.

Note that if you are using the previous Joomla versions - the same instructions are valid.

You can find the Joomla global configuration area in Joomla Admin, Top admin panel, Site, Global Configuration. There you will find 4 tabs with the following options: site, system, server and permissions.

Site - here you can change all basic site settings such as site name, meta data and SEO options. You can also put your site offline and set the offline message from here. In joomla 2.5, it is recommended that the metadata section be left vacant.
SEO settings in global configuration: If you are using Apache webserver, you will have to rename the file htaccess.txt to .htaccess in order for the Use Apache mod_rewrite feature to work. This settings are necessary to turn your urls into search engine friendly urls.
Recommendations: rename htaccess.txt file to .htaccess, set url re-writing to yes, turn search engine friendly urls to yes, you may all suffix to urls or you ignore that as there is no agreement on how it helps search engine ranking.

System - while most of the settings in the system tab are rather advanced, you should definitely pay attention to two of them:
Cache Settings - set it to On - Progressive Caching if you’d like maximum caching and fastest Joomla. Set it to On - Conservative if you’d like to disable modules caching. In any case there is cache time in minutes. During this time changes may not appear because cached copies will be served to the viewers.

Session Settings - this is the timeframe during which you will stay logged in your Joomla backend even if you are inactive. Increase it if you want to stay a long time working on your backend. Joomla default is 15minutes.

Server - most of the settings here should be automatically configured during the installation. You might want to change the Location Settings if you are in a different time zone though. This will help you when the published date of your articles is incorrect or when you receive Joomla notifications with invalid date.

Permissions - this is probably the most important improvement in Joomla 1.7. It gives you the opportunity to allow / disallow certain actions for the different access levels and groups users. By default you should change nothing in the Permissions for a standard site. These functions are rather meant for sites with complex structure and multiple user levels.

Removing Time Stamps from Joomla SEF urls

There are cases where Joomla will have to replace the category name with a time stamp such as 2013-01-08-03-45-44. This can be fixed following the steps below:

Step 1: Change the menu item type for the menu item from "External URL" to "Text separator".

Step 2: After step 1, an "Alias" field will appear under the "Menu title" field which will contain the time stamp.

Step 3: Edit the alias field and change the time stamp to what you want to replace the time stamp with.

Step 4: Save the menu item.

Step 5: Change the menu item type back to "External URL".

ReReplacer Can Help Remove Extra jQuery Files in Joomla

If your Joomla website runs with many extensions and a sophisticated template, you may find yourself with a common problem: too many Javascript files. It's not unusual for various templates and extensions to load their own libraries or even two different version of the same library. The impact of this problem is that either the template or the extension may not work properly.

There are ways to get over this problem

One is the jQuery Easy plugin.

The second is working with Rereplacer by NoNumber.

Both solutions solutions will allow you fix duplicate Javascript problems without modifying any code.

Install and use Rereplacer

Find the unnecessary jQuery files

You can find the HTML that points to a duplicated jQuery file by checking source code of your website. You can use: Ctrl + U keys or right click >> View source code.

Note: you may need to experiment with which file is best to remove. Please test your site thoroughly after removing any files.
Create the replacement

Go to Components >> NoNumber ReReplacer >> New.

In the next screen, add the code to replace as the image below:

Include the HTML that loads the duplicated jQuery file

In the Search Areas tab >> Enable in area >> Everywhere.

Refresh your website and check your source code again. You will see an empty space where previously the jQuery file had been loading.

SEF urls and its improvement in Joomla

Search engine friendly (SEF) a clean URLs are website URLs that make sense to both humans and search engines because they explain the path to the particular page they point to. By default in Joomla, some basic SEF urls are enabled by default, that’s why you can see short versions of Joomla links in menu, can CMS converts the URLs from the native Joomla! format to the SEF format.

In this article, we will show you how to improve links alias and avoid common mistakes.

How to remove index.php from the Joomla! URLs

By default after installation all URL contain the “index.php” in their URLs. Like in this example:

The procedure for enabling Search Engine Friendly URLs differs depending on the web server you are using. Because this functionality depends on the presence of the Rewrite Module. Please follow them in the order they are presented here:

Use FTP to rename the file “htaccess.txt” in your Joomla!’s base folder to “.htaccess”.
This step may not be necessary. Open .htaccess in a text editor. Uncomment RewriteBase / (remove the first character, #). If Joomla is installed in its own folder, the enter the Joomla folder name after the backslash. e.g. RewriteBase /yourjoomlafolder.
Note: Not all hosting providers allow you to use .htaccess files.
Log on to your Back-end and open the Global Configuration –> Site tab.
seoEnable the Use URL rewriting option and Save. This option converts the URLs from the native Joomla! format to the SEF format.
If front-end gives you an error messages when checking out the frontend of the site, it’s possible your web server doesn’t support the advanced
requirements of the second option (using mod_rewrite) – you have two options leave this option off and/or ask your hosting provider support what can you do.

Use only one login and registration form in Joomla

Joomla by default comes with a user login and registration form. Many Joomla! components also (for example: Virtuemat, JomSocial etc.) have their own user registration or login system. When there is more than one registration system on one website, it can create chaos for the website administrator.

If you want to use one system for user registration and login, then there is a solution.

Core Login Redirect

This free plugin will allow you to redirect by either selecting a menu item to redirect to, or by entering the custom URL for your registration application. Once it is enabled all requests will be redirected to the chosen system, bypassing the Joomla core. Very useful for preventing backdoor registrations.

The fix

You can use the JoomlaXi Registration Redirector (link to JED) – this plugin allows you to redirect new users to your choice of registration system. Using this plugin you may choose to redirect to the following systems: Core Joomla, JomSocial; Community Builder, VirtueMart or a Custom URL; this last option provides you with the freedom to redirect users to any specific URL for registration. And, importantly, it also has support for multilingual Joomla! websites.

JoomlaXi Registration Redirector - Universal redirector

In most of Joomla templates you will find additional fields to create Login or Register links on the frontend – to change these URLs from default you have to edit them in the Features tab when editing the template configuration.

Want to transfer your Joomla website?

Want to transfer your Joomla website from another web host to Todhost? The proceedure outlined below will help a smooth transfer process.

Todhost provides free transfers for new accounts within 30 days of sign-up and to newly upgraded accounts. However, you can do it yourself or seekk the help of the Todhost Support team.

To handle your transfer yourself, you can simply bacup your files and databases or do a full backup of your website. You can then download the bacup and upload to your account on Todhost. Then submit a ticet for a restoration.

You can also submit a transfer request to Todhost Support and follow the instractions of a support staff. Further instruction on Joomla upload proceedure is provided in this article titled: A complete guide on how to move a Joomla website from localhost to a live server and secure it

Todhost Website Transfers: Important instructions:

Note: If you are not eligible for a free content transfer, you can still request a quote for the transfer by submitting a ticket through our contact us page above.

Transferring Joomla on Your Own

Aside from the transferring service that Todhost offers, you can opt to move your Joomla site over on your own. The following steps offer a basic guideline of what is required to manually transfer the Joomla site yourself:

Backup files
Backup MySQL database
Restore site files
Edit site files
Restore MySQL database

How to check Joomla website version using cPanel

Joomla is a very popular web development script coming net to WordPress with over 200,000,000 installations as at 2017 December. Like every other content management system, it has some issues and from time to time, is being updated to fix detected issues.

Knowing your Joomla website version can be ver helpful in addressing issues. One of such issue is the Joomla white screen of Death (WSOD). A quick fix to the WSOD problem has always been to replace the files. It is good to know the version of Joomla running on your server space so that you do not run a wrong version in trying to replacethe file. Running awrong version will not solve the problem.

On very few occasions, we have attempted to recover some exploited Joomla websites. One easy way to get this done had been to overwrite the files and then after things work fine, we secure the site again for the client. For you to do this successfully, you need to identify the software version that as exploited in order not to use a wrong software version for overwrite and create problems.

To be able to do this successfully, you need to identify the software version you are running and have it implemented on your website. If you are able to login to your website backend, that should be easy but if you are unable to login to the backend, then you need to follow the rest of the tutorial to identify your Joomla website version.

Secondly, good server maintenance practice requires maintaining your Content Management System to run the latest updates of software version. This can be a problem in cases where there is an exploitation on your website such as a White Screen of Death. Dealing with such situations will in most cases require file overwrite and you need to run the right version to recover the website before you implement an upgrade and take steps to secure your Joomla website. Here is a guide on how you can check your software version in cPanel.

Checking Joomla Versions

To confirm the 'latest' stable release of oomla you can visit their official Joomla Download page. You should see something similar to: "The latest stable release of Joomla (Version X.X) is available in two formats from the links to your right." X.X being the latest version.

Ok, now "How do I know the versions of ALL my Joomla installs?"

/home/cpanelacc/public_html/libraries/joomla/version.php = 1.5.2
/home/user1/public_html/portal/libraries/cms/version/version.php = 2.5.5
/home/another3/public_html/libraries/cms/version/version.php = 2.5.8
/home/example/public_html/portal/libraries/joomla/version.php = 1.5.23
/home/default/public_html/new2/libraries/joomla/version.php = 1.5.23

If any of your Joomla installations are not using the most recent version of Joomla , it is very important to update it.

How to Manually Overwrite Your Joomla Files

Before you overwrite files please take note of the following:
• Delete the images folder so that all your image overwrite are retained. Except you have used custom image titles/names, you are most likely to loose the changes you made in your image folder after an override.
• Do not overwrite the logo. You can do this by deleting the logo file before you overwrite anything.
• Check any custom footer changes you made. Did you change or remove a copyright code, check in your new file before you overwrite the files.
• Check to protect any customizations you made to your files before you overwrite because you could loose all of them.

To manually overwrite your files, download the version of Joomla that you are currently running. Use an FTP software to overwrite the files. Once you do that successfully, immediately update to a most recent version that keeps you safe.

Final Advice: Always Maintain a Healthy Backup

If you keep a healthy backup, you can easily recover from a damage. Once you restore your website using your backup, you will need to take steps to protect your website from the exploitation or vulnerabilities that endangered your website. Always learn about your CMS vulnerabilities and how you can protect yourself from them.
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