Getting Familiar With the cPanel User Environment

Let's look at the cPanel, and how to navigate it"s many pages and functions. This tutorial will help you set up your cPanel to work at its best and just as you want it. This tutorial will assume that you are logged into your cPanel. If you are having trouble doing that, please see the tutorial on "How to Login to cPanel".

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One of the first things you should do is go to Preferences, and click on Update Contact Info. It is very important that you keep that information up-to-date so that you can receive any important email from Please note that using an email that is linked to the website you are hosting on Todhost is not recommended to be used on your contact information.

You can go to the top of the left column, and check out the Switch Theme pull-down list. From here you can easily change how your cPanel looks by changing the theme, but it does not change the way it works.

The Switch Account drop down list. You will find this list on top of the right column. If you have more than one account, this list will show you which account you are currently controlling with cPanel, and you can switch accounts here.

Stats: Scroll down, and on the left you can see important information about the account. For example, it will show you how many email account you have, and how many you are allowed with your hosting account. It will give your bandwidth usage, show your home directory, and so much more. Scrolling down further, you will find information about the operating system, php version, the MySQL version and more.

The last stat is Server Status. Click on this link and it will take you to a page that will show you how the server you are on is performing. Green lights mean the server is performing properly. Click the Go Back link to exit.

Now, The right side includes icons grouped into specific boxes. These icons allow you to do specific tasks within cPanel like checking your webmail, setting up databases, setting up email addresses and auto-responders.

At the very bottom of the page is a link called Documentation. Documentation is the link to a comprehensive cPanel Manual where you can learn all there is to know about cPanel. This manual contains information about all the features of cPanel, and has sections on everything from common questions to something from every section in cPanel. It is always available from the home page of your cPanel.

In cPanel, you can rearrange the windows to suit your needs. For example, if you would like to have the window titled Mail on the top, you can move it by simply dragging and dropping the window where you want it.

That is the much we can take for this tutorial. You should now be more familiar with cPanel and some of its features. To learn more, you can return to the cPanel Documentation link at the bottom of the cPanel main page.

Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

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Using The Disk Space Viewer

On the main page of your cPanel, scroll down to the section called Files. Click on the icon called Disk Space Usage. This will take you to the main page of the disk space usage page. On this page, you can see how much storage space is being used for each directory and sub-directory in your account. Scroll down to see the entire list of directories.

In the upper right corner of the list is a pull-down box called Actions. It can do many things, to show you different types of information. Some of the items in the Action box include Show Parent Directories, Show Top Level, Hide Small Files, and Show Files Sizes as Bytes.

Above the Left hand side are two buttons, Decrease Depth and Increase Depth. Increasing Depth will take you one more level down the path, for example:
from "mail/" to "mail/". Decreasing the depth will do the opposite.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to view the amount of storage space being used by your directories. This is useful in determining which directories are using the most storage space.

Return HOME by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner. This is the end of the tutorial. Once you know where most of your storage needs are, and where the most space is being used, you can determine whether you need to delete some files, or upgrade to a larger hosting package.

You can now exit cPanel by closing your browser, or by using the Logout button in the upper right corner. Remember, if you are using a public computer, ALWAYS Logout of cPanel before closing due to security reasons.

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How do I create and remove an Addon Domain?
How to Backup My Website in cPanel
How to Create a MySQL Database, a User and Delete Database in Cpanel

What are Hidden Files

Hidden file and folder names start with a dot.


When using File Manager, you cannot see these files and folders unless you select the option to show hidden files.

In cPanel, click the File Manager icon and a window will pop-up. Check the box for "Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)." Then click Go.

If you do not see any pop-up, try clicking the Legacy File Manager icon instead.

Problems Accessing cPanel

Are you having problems with accessing your cpanel control panel. The suggestions and solution to this depends on if you are a new or an existing customers.

New Customers:

If you are access your Control Panel via http://yourdomain/cpanel, you will not be able to until your Domain resolves. This takes about 24-48 hours.

You can however login via your server IP address while you wait for it to resolve.

Check your New Account Information/welcome email for the IP address your site uses and the exact url to your temporary control panel. If you have lost that email, contact us and we will resend it for you.

Login with the username and password that were sent to you in your welcome email. Usually, you will use serverIP/~account_username/cpanel You will be ableto do everyy other thing on your account including uploading your website, creating your databases and editing your uploadinged website.

Existing customers:

If you are receiving an error that the page could not be displayed when trying to log into the control panel, It is most likely due to the fact that your firewall is blocking the port that the control panel uses.

If you used your office PC or cyber cafe, normally it's inaccessible, because their firewall have blocked cpanel's port. Port that is used to access the server is :- 21 (ftp), 2082/2083 (cpanel) and 2095/2096 (webmail).

There is no solution for this kind of problem, because it is caused by your own PC. However, you may follow the below suggestion :-

1) If you use office PC, you can check with the PC technician to enable the above ports.

2) Use your own PC (at home).

You Are Not Allowed Access to cPanel

There are times you simply cannot gain access to cPanel either by using the server IP or directly by using your domain name. We have found a few cases like this and these are the common causes:

1. Your IP address has been blocked by serevr security: This happens usually when you have made several failed login attempts, up to 5 failed attempts. You will be blocked by brute force protection. There is nothing yo can do in this case to forcefully login. You will have to wait for up to 30 minutes to be able to login. If you have made up to 30 failed attempts to login and you have been blocked, you will have to wait for up to 24hours before you can gain access..

You can also contact a server administrator to help delist your IP from the blaclist. Fr this, you can use the Livechat or send a ticket to customer support. If you are using the Livechat, you will have to answer some questions including providing your password, username and registered email on file. You must answer all the questions asked by our Livechat support staff for the ban to be lifted. Do not get uneasy with the support staff and the questions put forward to you. they are for us to be sure we are dealing with the right person.

2. Your Connection IP Changes Frequently: If you check your connenction IP address before attempting to login and check the IP after you are denied access and find changes, it means your connection IP is changing frequently and that is a network issue which we cannot control. This problem has been observed at different times with some networks. You will have to confirm from your location which networ does not often change IP once connected.

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