
 7 Security Tips for a WordPress Website

It can be very frustrating to have your website go down due to a security loophole. The bigger...

 Basic Guide to WordPress Security

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in the world today. It is also the most popular...

 How to Backup Your WordPress Website Automatically Using Backup Plugins

Keeping a healthy backup for your website is a golden rule. You cannot run a website, especially...

 How to Backup and Restore the backup of a WordPress Website

Backing up your website is important for several reasons. One being that in case of emergency you...

 How to Clean Backdoors in a Hacked WordPress Site

There are times when after you have your WordPress website cleaned up, the attacker is still able...

 How to Fix The WordPress White Screen of Death

Have you ever had a WordPress security situation where your website presents a white screen? No...

 How to Fix a Hacked WordPress Website

WordPress is unquestionably the world's most popular content management system used for creating...

 How to Improve the Security of your WordPress Website

WordPress is the most widely used Content Management System (CMS) and basically everyone can have...

 How to Secure a WordPress Website

How to Secure WordPress with Unique Admin UsernameMost applications use "admin" as username and...

 How to enable SSL on your WordPress website and move from http to https

A customer has recently asked how he can enable SSL on his WordPress website. This article had...

 Top 5 Security Issues with WordPress and How to Fix Them

WordPress leads as the most popular content management system (CMS) on the Internet today...

 WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress is the world's most popular content management system and so the massive attack...

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